Saturday, March 28, 2015


LOVE...such a simple word with so much gravity, so much to talk and feel about .. defined and redefined time and again, day after day, and time after time. As much as it can fill your life with unbound joy and liberation, it can bring you down with unmatched pain and heartache... just met a couple, who'd recently separated. Reasons were many, forthem to trace their own individual path. But the pain of detaching yourself from long-loved and heartily-embraced mate, is definitely not easy. Being an emotional person myself, i couldnt help notice and even, feel the gush of pain racing through their bruised hearts. She seemed so delicate and fragile, drowned in the ache of a fleeting relationship. As much love as he gave her in the last three years, i bet, no one has and will ever crush her soul in years that she lives... i have seen them play, watched them giggle, heard them fight, but cant explain how a piece of my own heart smashed, to see them struggle to hide the storm of emotions wrestling in their minds. LOVE.. indeed tricks us sometimes, fools our hearts and scars the soul, forever to be mended... :')

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